Friday, June 10, 2011

A Turtle and his Pen

Pretty pictures are much more fun than words, and they give us something to watch to see if we have done the right thing. In our case, we watch a little arrow we call a turtle. The turtle draws a line wherever he goes. And the turtle goes wherever you tell him.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Code a Guessing Game

Now we have our first game. What game? You probably played it before. It's called, "I'm thinking of a number between one and ten." Now normally, you have a bunch of your friends attempting to guess correctly and whoever wins gets to wash the dog first. In this case, you will have to do all the guessing yourself.

This way or that way

Sometimes you need the computer to make a decision. You don't want it to do the exact same thing every time. How do we tell the computer to do one thing or another if something happens? If is the answer, and else.

Storing things

Let's look at this:

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First Steps

You make a computer do things by giving it instructions. The computer will read the instructions one step at a time and do what they say. But not all instructions will work. They need to be words the computer understands and with the proper punctuation.

Why is this the easiest?

Start Coding is the easiest way to learn to program because everything is right here. You do not need to install anything or go anywhere else.  It's like having a programming book and your programming environment all in one place without having to download or install anything.  See an example after the break.